
Leading the way

Let’s build a better world together

In sodales nibh nec purus porttitor molestie. Cras id erat tincidunt arcu viverra pretium fringilla nec velit. Sed porta tincidunt eros at sagittis. Integer et cursus nibh.

Aenean maximus imperdiet facilisis. Phasellus convallis ante et lectus auctor suscipit.

Project planning

Interior design

Budget planning

Solid waste removal

Accurate testing processes

Highly qualified

Latest projects

Work with us

Excellence in quality, always meet your requirements

Trusted by the best

Cras dolor dui, finibus vitae elementum ac, porttitor eu urna. Nunc vel augue sit amet mauris gravida egestas. Maecenas ornare eros ut lobortis ultrices.

Nunc in justo libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus sit amet libero at eros rutrum tincidunt.




Work quality


Great support

“Nunc in justo libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus sit amet libero at eros rutrum tincidunt.”


Our happy customers

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Ana Stone (Google CEO)

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Eric Jones (Apple CFO)

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Adam Mitchel (Scientist)

I had a beautiful home built by Construction, and they made the process as smooth as possible. They were professional and on time and they did everything they said they would do. I enjoyed working with them.

Kate Evans (Designer)


Tapaki 2024 dengan Spirit Berprestasi

Oleh: Rosidi (Penulis adalah staf pengajar MA NU TBS Kudus serta staf bidang media dan publikasi pada Ma’had Aly TBS Kudus) Suasana tahun baru 2024 ...

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KH Hasan Fauzi Ulas Pentingnya Ilmu

Ilmu menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk dikuasai oleh siapapun. Sebab, dengan ilmulah, seseorang bisa meraih sukses, baik dalam kehidupan dunia maupun di kehidupan akhirat ...

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Dokumentasi Silaturrahim Iksab 2009

Gebog, Kudus – Dalam rangka mempererat jaringan alumni Madrasah TBS, Ikatan Siswa Abiturien TBS (IKSAB) angkatan 2009 rutin mengadakan kegiatan silaturrahim. kegiatan tersebut dilaksakan pada ...

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Yayasan TBS Kudus

Jl. KH. Turaichan Adjhuri No.23, Kajeksan, Kec. Kota Kudus, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah 59314